Gaming Figurines Challenge Entries

For those of you who don’t know, RECKLESS DECK is a character-creating, genre-smashing card deck. It generates endless ideas for character creation for artists & other creatives interested in Sci Fi & Fantasy. Reckless Deck also currently has a campaign on KICKSTARTER for its Volume 2 SEQUEL (you can have a look here:)
Reckless Deck & ArtOrder would like to introduce a new character design challenge! In the course of our Kickstarter, we have unlocked stretch goals that will introduce not just the Reckless Deck: Volume 2, but also THE APPRENTICE PACK (the Reckless Deck for kids), and RECKLESS DECK: WORLDS, the Deck exclusively for Environment Art. But in the new wave of stretch goals we’ve just released, we’ve introduced a reward that’s a little different: four exclusive gaming miniatures based on Reckless Deck characters. With it, we saw a terrific opportunity for a contest, in which the winning artists will have their character designs made into three figurines for the set!
57 entries found
records 1 - 45.