Infected By Art Book - Season 2

Ken Kvamme

Member Since October 2013


Artist: Ken Kvamme


Artist: Ken Kvamme


Artist: Ken Kvamme


Artist: Ken Kvamme


About Ken Kvamme

As an art student Ken specialized in realistic pencil sketches, but he also had a passion for history and archaeology and the last two eventually won out. He became a professional archaeologist traveling the world using technology (radar, remote sensing) to locate archaeological finds. This background informs his art. One natural focus is historical illustration, but since nearly all archaeologists love SyFy and fantasy they too are natural themes, as is portraiture where he enjoys painting people in all their forms and varieties, especially those he meets in his travels. Art offers an intimate connection with subjects—whether capturing character in portraiture or envisioning story in SyFy/fantasy themes. These eclectic interests introduce a range of subjects and unusual perspectives in Ken’s art, often with a tinge of humor.

Name: Ken Kvamme 
Joined: October 2013

Ken's artwork has been published in multiple venues, including several volumes of "Infected by Art," and has been shown in galleries across much of the country. Most recently, Ken's art was shown in "Contemporary Art in Realism" at 3 Square Art in Fort Collins, Colorado, with a Bronze Award, in the "Real People 2021" exhibit in Woodstock, Illinois, in the international exhibit "Femme" by Art Fluent with a third place finish, and an honorable mention in the Portrait Society of America's members only competition in the "Outside the Box" category. He has previously displayed in the Illuxcon and Spectrum Fantastic Art Live shows. Projects include: Bucketheads the Medieval Knights of Europe, Land of the Nile, Imagining Dune, Women take Flight. Prints of his art in many formats, including on paper, canvas, panel, t-shirts, cups, and phone cases, are available on his website.

Location: United States

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