SGang Gwaay 2050 by James Reid

SGang Gwaay 2050 Artwork by James Reid
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Art Details

Title: SGang Gwaay 2050
Date Created: November 2015
Genre: Unpublished Art
Mediums: Gouache, Graphite Pencil
Views: 745
Posted: 11/20/2015

About the Artist

James Reid
Member Since November 2015

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SGang Gwaay 2050. My daughter and I spend a lot of time on the beaches here on Haida Gwaii. We are isolated from the rest of North America in many ways and our beaches are filled with beauty and wonder. However, the environmental issues of the world wash up on our shores. We have walked past scores of dead cuttlefish, seen the starfish population drastically decline, and watched tsunami debris from Japan pile up. This piece takes these issues to the extreme by creating this scene at the world heritage site SGang Waay Llnagaay. The poles, the bright sulphuric fumes, and the gas mask work together as a metaphor for the environmental issues of the world washing up on our shores, and washing up against the history and tradition on these shores. I chose 2050 as the date in my title as my daughter will be my age at that point.

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