Infected By Art Book - Volume 5

Michael Rechlin

Member Since June 2014


Artist: Michael Rechlin


Artist: Michael Rechlin


Artist: Michael Rechlin


Artist: Michael Rechlin


Artist: Michael Rechlin


 To summarize the art of Michael Rechlin is a complicated task. Combine Germanic and Celtic Mythology, with the talents of such inspiring artists as Frank Frazetta, Berni Wrightson and Simon Bisley. Add a large dose of Heavy Metal with Dungeons and Dragons, and you’ve entered the mind of Michael Rechlin. For 30 years, he's been selling his art. First working in the burgeoning underground metal scene in Buffalo, NY composing flyers, fanzines, demo covers, etc. then on to comics and pin-up illustration. During a 10 year career as a professional tattooist he started getting more and more freelance work offers. In 2014 he moved on to being a full time artist. This includes working in the fields of illustration, conceptualization and merchandise design. His work has been published in "Aphrodisia" Volumes 1 and 2, "Eye Candy for Strangers", "Infected by Art" Volumes 3-6 and more. "Spellcrow", "Dark Sword Miniatures" and "D-Verse Publishing" are just a few of his recent clients. Michael currently is freelancing taking on projects and private commissions. When he’s not in the studio he enjoys spending time with his wife Melissa and 2 dogs- Thor & Loki in their idyllic country setting.
Name: Michael Rechlin 
Joined: June 2014

D-Verse Publishing, Dark Sword Miniatures, Spellcrow, Mantic Games, Scottsdale Silver, Blood Moon Miniatures, + more...

Location: United States

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