Infected By Art Book - Volume 5

Arend Smith

Member Since December 2015


Artist: Arend Smith


Artist: Arend Smith


About Arend Smith

I am a sculptor who focuses on creature design and monstrous, fanciful fine art displays. Although I do produce some fine art sculptures of real animals my true passion is creating monsters. I love monsters. I always have. Scary ones, nice ones, elegant and noble satyrs, ugly Krampuses and Perchten, dragons of all shapes and sizes, cute critters that turn scary with lots of teeth, ugly ones that are misunderstood and only use their enormous teeth for chewing celery and carrots… I love them all. I especially love creatures that blend into natural settings and give off the feeling they would be very at home in ancient forests and lonely mountain passes. I work in a wide range of materials and create everything from small collectible resin kits to one of a kind larger than life displays. I take commissions from private collectors as well as working with the film and game industries as a designer, creature suit and prosthetics maker.

Name: Arend Smith 
Joined: December 2015

Published in Infected By Art Volumes 4, 5, 6, and 7. Creature designer, sculptor and puppet fabricator for the full length movie "Violent Starr" which will be released internationally in 2020. Winner of the Stan Winston School Award for Best Alien Design for 2018. Winner of the Grand Rapids Comic Con's Best in Cosplay Award for a silicone prosthetic appliance costume. Art Prize 2017, Art Prize 2015, Art Prize 2014, RAW: Artist of the Year Finalist in Spokane, Washington 2012

Location: Middleville, Michigan

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