Infected By Art Book - Volume 3

Brianna Angelakis

Member Since October 2013


Artist: Brianna Angelakis


About Brianna Angelakis

Brianna Angelakis (b. 1990) was born in Massachusetts, moved to New Hampshire during her early teen years, and moved to Florida in her late teen years. In 2013, she graduated summa cum laude from Flagler College, located in St. Augustine, FL, with a B.F.A. in Fine Arts, a B.A. in English, and a minor in Illustration.

Angelakis' debut solo exhibition, Fairy Tales: The Test of Time, opened in May of 2014 at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco, CA. Angelakis' artworks have exhibited internationally in galleries and museums including cities such as San Francisco, CA; Chicago, IL; and Frankfurt, Germany. She is a member of the beinArt Collective which includes an international network of highly skilled figurative artists with a fascination for surreal and imaginative themes. Additionally, her works have been published internationally through print and online magazines as well as books. She was also selected as an IlluXCon Scholarship winner for 2013. 

In the Fall of 2014, she began her M.F.A. in Painting with a graduate assistantship at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL. She currently lives and works in Gainesville, FL.

Name: Brianna Angelakis 
Joined: October 2013
Location: United States

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