Member Since February 2022
Gallery Home Personal Info New Art Gallery Rooms Contest Entries Send a MessageThere is no longer happy history in the relationship between man and nature. It is distorted, altered by myopia and embarrassing haughtiness. Yet you cannot break the flow of a kind of perpetual motion that surrounds in the same eternal grip, life of the planet and of humanity. In my paintings emerce clearly as the contortion of a natural relationship, has become painful and dystopian. I try to narrate that ancient and future research, to recover the primordial coexistence of living beings in a world of men who tried to kill me. In my oil paintings, powerful anthropomorphic figures, tangle in vigorous hugs, thither where jellyfish float in the sky like saving angels or skulls denounce degradation and corruption, the impending tragedy. I try to improve everyday day in a never ending story made of much practice, experiments (now I&rsquo m producing my oil colors with old pigments from 50 years ago), so much humility, dedication, pride and dirty hands stinking of turpentine and safflower oil. I shout my message to the world. That world that as a child made me suffer a lot, but that underneath still has something wonderful to tell... keeping alive the dream of living with my art.
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