Vega: Muse of Mysteries by Colin and Kristine Poole

Vega: Muse of Mysteries Artwork by Colin and Kristine Poole
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Art Details

Title: Vega: Muse of Mysteries
Date Created: 2023
Copyright: © Colin and Kristine Poole
Genre: Unpublished Art
Mediums: Clay, Mixed Media
Views: 188
Posted: 11/26/2023

About the Artist

Colin and Kristine Poole
Member Since November 2016

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Vega proffers a thread to follow that leads on a quest to answer a question, solve a puzzle or explore uncharted realms within yourself. The passion to follow the thread to its conclusion leads us on a journey that transforms the nature of who we are. The star on her forehead is the polestar that guides you through the challenges. The labyrinth on her back assures you that if you keep walking your path, you will prevail. The twisted nature of her pose is a nod to the knots we have to unravel to progress. The halo of wire framing her head brings to mind Aristotle's Golden Mean: the freedom of individual will and the expansive joy to be experienced in flying along your own unique trajectory.

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