Zindu and Din The Seekers by Amanda Mock

Zindu and Din The Seekers Artwork by Amanda Mock
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Art Details

Title: Zindu and Din The Seekers
Date Created: 6/14/2017
Copyright: © Amanda Mock
Genre: Fantasy
Mediums: Photoshop
Views: 857
Posted: 6/14/2017

About the Artist

Amanda Mock
Member Since June 2017

Location: Georgia

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Zindu, the mech armored demon canine, along with her feathered friend, Din, the male hybrid, dark colored bird are travelers and are very close companions, seeking out for new information on their newly discovered world and trained to defend their home planet 'Jinga' from very nasty and fierce predators. Zindu's armor helps in protecting and sheilding her from some conditions of harsh weather and can also aid her in battles if needed. Being a demon that she is, she can be very strong in mild fights. Din, Zindu's companion and very loved friend, is always alert and stays very close to Zindu, especially if he feels wary of nerby enemies. His screeches and caws are pretty audible and high pitched, useful to stun the enemiees for a short time. Din is aslo very fast and very acrobatic in his flight maneuvers, this is useful for any escape tactics for both he and Zindu. Cards used (3) Demon, Mech Armor, Animal Companion. Enjoy, and thank you for viewing!

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