Infected by Art Book - Volume 11

Lisa Sprite Hansen

Member Since December 2016


Artist: Lisa Sprite Hansen


Artist: Lisa Sprite Hansen


I'm a mixed media fantasy artist. My work tends to be otherworldly and forms organically and intuitively. Usually this process reveals creatures and beings of a lost, futurist world. Inhabitants are re-born from remnants and fragments of what was left of our broken earth once we destroyed it. I use a variety of clays and mediums to bring out my vision. Most pieces have inclusions of healing crystals, geodes, glass shards, natural and/or found items like driftwood, delicate leaves, dried flower petals, pods, twigs, fibers, shells, bone fragments, insect parts and lots and lots of glue! My world is called "The Broken Planet" and trying to create it effectively has become part of my soul. Those who reside there include faeries, dragons, dryads, animal-human hybrids and humanoid beings. Most of them are protectors or healers and others are safe portals. They are rebuilding their planet. Their bodies often provide a glimpse into the environment from which they came, or are another planet entirely.
Name: Lisa Sprite Hansen 
Joined: December 2016
Projects: I'm working on many new creatures as well as scenic displays and illustrations to further develop my world and the story of The Broken Planet. There will be additional cameo collections which will feature the different species of creatures that reside there as well.
Location: Staten Island, New York

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