Infected By Art Book - Volume 4

Lisa French

Member Since November 2015


Artist: Lisa French


Artist: Lisa French


Artist: Lisa French


Artist: Lisa French


About Lisa French

The majority of my studio practice involves anthropomorphized wildlife in allegorical tableaux. Following the tradition of illustration for the moralizing stories of Aesop�s Fables and La Fontaine, these paintings are part of a series exploring hedgerow flora and fauna as metaphor for the human community, with references to Joel Chandler Harris� Uncle Remus tales and the motivations that drive human interactions. These works rely on invented realism and illusionistic rendering, with special attention to comparative anatomy and theatrical lighting. I use traditional media, primarily oil and gouache. As an illustrator, I work mostly with figurative, zoological, and botanical subject matter for advertising, packaging, institutions and publishing. I specialize in anatomical illustration. My illustration and painting have been included in numerous juried professional exhibitions and annuals, and awards include Gold and Silver medals. I relocated from Southern California to the West Coast of Florida and now live on the Boston South Shore.
Name: Lisa French 
Joined: November 2015
Projects: Through regular observational practice, I draw and paint figurative and landscape subject matter, focusing on the representation of light and color suggesting atmosphere and mood. Sometimes I work with small-scale sculpture, conceptual toy theater and scenic design. I continue to develop a multimedia piece that combines object performance, puppetry, and live action. This work addresses the historical period of Reconstruction - particularly the phenomena of collective denial and the reactionary mindset - through a series of tableaux.

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