Infected by Art Book - Volume 12

Marianne Plumridge

Member Since September 2013


Artist: Marianne Plumridge


Artist: Marianne Plumridge


Artist: Marianne Plumridge


Artist: Marianne Plumridge


Artist: Marianne Plumridge


Marianne Plumridge is an artist of Science Fiction and Fantastic works that include Rocket Doodles (small pointy rocket ship paintings), Birds 'n' Bots (paintings of robots and birds in natural settings), Cosmic paintings of space whales and other sea species, Dreamboat paintings featuring a cosmic balloon ship in different aerial settings. Marianne also paints birds and wildlife, and figurative studies using lux fabrics and costumes. Her heroes include artists: Oenone Acheson, Eric Joyner, Jia Liu, Pino, Richard Schmidt, Glenn Harrington, Alma-Tadema, Waterhouse, and John Singer Sargent, among others.
Marianne is an Australian-born artist, lately naturalized to the United States, and lives in Rhode Island with her award-winning artist husband, Bob Eggleton. She has been painting in oils since she was 12 years old, with occasional forays into other mediums during the intervening years.

Name: Marianne Plumridge 
Joined: September 2013
Projects: Marianne has produced the Illuxcon Costume Salon and Sketch Lab' for three consecutive years at IX and has planned a series of paintings based on her extensive reference photos and thumbnail sketches taken throughout both events.

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