Infected By Art Book - Volume 7

Vince Natale

Member Since October 2013


Artist: Vince Natale


Artist: Vince Natale


About Vince Natale

Since 1985 Vince Natale has been a muti-genre illustrator for book covers , magazines, and advertising projects. His work has covered the ranges of Horror , Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Fashion, and Romance, though he's always favored the darker and more fantastical aspects of picture making. He's exhibited at, and won awards from the Society of Illustrators in NY and Los Angeles, and his work is represented in many of the Spectrum Annuals, as well as a number of other national/international art publications and exhibitions. In recent years he's been pursuing the expression his own visions, beyond the confines and whims of the illustration market at large, and has focused on the gallery/collector market in the imaginative realism and landscape genres.

Name: Vince Natale 
Joined: October 2013
Location: Woodstock, NY

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